How to log on with an HSBC Digital Security Device
The HSBC Digital Security Device provides an extra layer of protection for Personal Internet Banking and HSBC Mobile Banking App1 transactions and is required in order to do certain transactions like wire transfers or global transfers.
How to set it up
When you first register for Online Banking using Personal Internet Banking or the HSBC Mobile Banking App, you’ll be prompted to set up a Digital Security device passcode, a six to nine-character passcode.
Log on to Personal Internet Banking with a digital security device
1. Go to the Log On page for Personal Internet Banking.
2. Enter your Personal Internet Banking username and click Continue.
3. Click on the Log on with Security Code link on the bottom of the page.
4. You’ll be prompted to enter a Security Code. You’ll need to generate a security code using the HSBC Mobile Banking App. To do that, launch the HSBC Mobile Banking App on your smartphone.
5. Tap on the Generate Security Code button on the bottom of the mobile banking app screen.
Note: Some users may need to scroll down in order to see the Generate Security Code button.
6. You’ll be presented with three menu options. Tap on the Log on security code button.
7. Tap Face ID, Touch ID, or Fingerprint ID to log on. Or, enter your Digital Security Device Passcode, a six to nine character passcode you created when you registered.
Note: If you log on using a Digital Security Device passcode and it’s incorrect, you’ll still be able to generate a six-digit Security Code, but it won’t be valid.
8. Your six-digit security code will appear on the bottom of the page and expires in 30 seconds.
9. Quickly enter your six-digit number into the Enter Security Code field. If your Security Code expires, you can generate another one using the mobile banking app by clicking on the red Generate new code button. You’ll be asked to log on again (see step 7).
1 Data rates charges from your service provider may apply. HSBC Bank USA, N.A. is not responsible for these charges.

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